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Amada Tool Holders

Tool holders source for AMADA lathe.

Tooling for your AMADA turning center from the manufacturer. We offer a full range of tool holders. We carry rotary (live) and static (fixed) tool holders for the AMADA CNC lathe. Click on your machine model for a complete list of available tool holders.

Tool Holders for Amada CNC

A CNC machine uses a complex manufacturing process through drilling, milling or turning to produce steel, wood, metal or plastic. If you have an Amada CNC machine, then IMTE has the tool holder for you!  CNC tool holders are designed to safely hold a cutting tool in a precise location. As a result, a CNC machine cannot function without a CNC tool holder. Trust IMTE to supply your tool holders, CNC milling, OEM DVI, and all other work-holding equipment.

IMTE has over 20 years of experience providing customers with the best quality equipment to work with Amada machines and other machinery brands in the industry.  

About Amada Automation

Amada manufactures sheet metal fabrication solutions with cutting-edge technology and quality for maximum efficiency, productivity, and profitability. IMTE helps customers achieve such high performance and reliability by providing the parts to operate such advanced machinery.